At E-P-G Solutions, we use only the highest quality products to design, construct and install reliable infrastructure for our clients.

Our products include a range of generator control systems and field transfer systems that can provide reliable supply of fuel, water or power where it’s needed. All our systems have automation capability and can alert staff and community members to issues with supply and operation.

Whether you need to regulate fuel supply, water supply or power, we can set you up with a tailored system for your project.

The DT240 and DT240e are our own designs and are a 240V control system. This system regulates the pumps that transfer fuel from the bulk tanks to the day tank. If the duty selected pump fails, the secondary pump is automatically started, and an alarm and strobe light alert are set off to advise staff on-site of the fault. This can also be incorporated into the station SCADA which allows for remote monitoring.

The FTS12 is a solar powered system that charges the crank batteries for the Hatz diesel transfer pumps. This system was originally designed to transfer fuel from a barge landing bulk tanks to a power station without the need to double-handle the fuel.

The ATS230 & 415 Systems are designed to switch between the regular utility power and the back-up generation system automatically with minimal interruption to essential services.

We have the expertise to design a system specifically for your project. Our systems are reliable and built for the Territory conditions.

Find out how we can help you

We’ve got the experience, the knowledge and the runs on the board to get the most challenging projects done. Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Acknowledgement of Country

E-P-G Solutions recognises the Traditional Owners of the country we live and work on. We acknowledge and respect the cultural practices and traditions of our hosts and recognise the importance of sustainably caring for country. We commit to being respectful visitors to traditional lands.